BioBrew offers a range of microbial products for the NZ agricultural sector. It is currently the only local company offering farmers truly probiotic products that have gone through the rigors of independent trials. Its cost-effective range gives NZ agriculture a way to eliminate costly and environmentally damaging chemical inputs such as antibiotics and synthetic fertilisers.
Feedback from its customers suggests many farmers have already used BioBrew products for both environmental applications and animal nutrition, improving their yields while reducing or eliminating their use of poisonous and/or unsustainable materials. A little like the milkman of old, the company drops off fresh product to the farm gate then collects all of its empty containers. These are cleaned, reused and spared from the landfills – resulting in a business that’s both less wasteful and more profitable.
BioBrew’s team are also avid believers that their microbial products can’t simply remain a niche or boutique product. Their focus from here on out is to keep their products as cost-effective as possible, and to expand a franchisee system that will deliver long-term employment to the rural areas that need it.